If you are physically or mentally disabled you have every right to claim for Social Security disability benefits. Like the majority of issues that have to do with the Federal Government, the application process is complicated, so much so that it is advisable to hire Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri. When the applicant does hire lawyers, fees are not a significant issue.
Lawyers that represent applicants for Social Security disability benefits do so under what is known as a “fee agreement.” This agreement does not allow the lawyers to collect fees from the applicant unless the claimant is awarded past due benefits. Should this not be the case, no legal fees are due.
Calculating the legal fees:
Not only are there no legal fees payable if there are no past due benefits awarded, the fee agreement also puts a cap on the dollar amount the lawyer will be paid out of the past due benefits. By law, Social Security disability lawyers can charge the client no more than25 percent of the past due benefits that are paid to the claimant, the total fee cannot exceed $6,000.
Let’s look at a simple example. If the claimant is awarded past due benefits of $12,000, the lawyer’s fee, which is 25 percent of the past due will amount to $3,000. If the past due was $50,000 one would expect the legal fee to be $12,500, as the fee is capped at $6,000, this is all the lawyer will get.
The Administration award a straight 25 percent or $6,000 to the lawyer, any out of pocket expenses such as obtaining supporting documents, postage, etc are to be paid by the claimant. These fees are rarely an issue.
Hiring Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri really do not cost the claimant anything; the fees are paid directly by the Administration and are contingent upon the claim succeeding.
As preparing and supporting a claim for disability benefits can be extremely complex it is well advised that you hire Social Security disability lawyers in Missouri. You are invited to take advantage of a free case evaluation by contacting Grundy Disability Group. Follow us on our facebook page.