When you are the victim of a serious car accident, the last thing that you want to think about is how you are going to pay all of your bills. You realize that you could incur thousands of dollars in debt to be treated for your injuries, get prescriptions from the pharmacy, undergo physical rehabilitation and have your car repaired. You wonder how you can pay all of these costs when the accident left you too injured to go back to work right away.
In fact, the answer to your dilemma involves holding the person responsible for the wreck liable for your expenses. You can take this action now by hiring an experienced auto accident lawyer in Bellingham, WA, to represent you.
Compensation for Your Bills
The responsible individual at the very least owes you for your immediate expenses following the wreck. You can have your lawyer file a claim against that person’s insurance to recoup money to pay your medical bills, rehab costs and repair expenses.
Your lawyer can also file for punitive damages that include your pain and suffering as well as your lost income. You could gain enough money to get through the next few weeks or months to focus on your recovery.
You can find out more about the reasons to hire an auto accident lawyer in Bellingham, WA, online.
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