How To Know When To Call An Auto Accident Attorney in Norfolk, VA

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Lawyers


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Being involved in an auto accident can be a horrifying experience-;perhaps one of the worst in anyone’s life. That being said, some people are not always sure if or when they need to contact an auto accident attorney in Norfolk, VA. Here are some examples of when it may be helpful to call and some examples of when it is absolutely crucial to call.

Here are instances when it may be a wise idea to contact a car accident attorney.

• If the liability for the accident is not clear or if it is clear that the liability is shared among all parties involved in the accident.

• If the person has no idea how to even begin starting their claim, contact an attorney

• If the insurance adjuster requests medical records be provided from incidents that occurred before the accident

• If the settlement the adjuster offers is a structured settlement and is not a lump-sum payment

• If there are lost wages involved and the person has a job that makes this difficult to prove, such as an independent business owner, a professional consultant, or a salesperson

• If there is any doubt of the person’s ability to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company

If any of the aforementioned factors are in play, take the time to contact an auto accident attorney in Norfolk, VA. Even if it turns out to not be necessary to hire an attorney, at least there will be peace of mind.

Here are instances when it is absolutely crucial to contact a car accident attorney.

• If there are unusual or extenuating circumstances present but are difficult to quantify, such as if someone is a caregiver or is the sole provider for someone who is not able to work

• If the insurance company has outright informed the victim their claim is denied and they need to appeal that decision

• If there is serious physical injury and the victim is facing large medical expenses

If somebody has been involved in an automobile accident, they should contact a firm such as Price Perkins Larkin as soon as possible. This way, the victim will retain all of their legal rights and not be manipulated by insurance companies and their adjusters.

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