If You’ve Been Injured, Contact Auto Accidents Attorney In Glendale AZ

by | Jan 12, 2017 | Lawyers


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A personal injury is no joke. It is when someone has been emotionally or physically injured and possibly even killed due to the negligence of someone else. Auto Accidents Attorney in Glendale AZ can help a victim with a claim when they want to get the money from a company or person that harmed them. It could be for negligence, which means the victim wants to place a claim that the wrongdoer was careless in their actions. A premises liability claim would be a slip and fall or trip and fall which caused injury. When someone is injured due to the carelessness of a doctor or healthcare professional, a claim for medical malpractice could be filed.

A victim may be entitled to receive payment of medical bills, as well as discomfort, emotional distress, pain, lost wages and any physical limitations that resulted from an accident. Lost wages and medical bills are usually simple to calculate. Scarring, emotional harm, physical limitations or pain are not as easy. Auto Accidents Attorney in Glendale AZ can help a victim determine what would be fair to receive as a settlement. If there is any dispute about who’s responsible for the accident, they can investigate the incidence. If someone doesn’t have insurance or enough insurance, this can create a problem. A victim should always submit their medical bills to their own insurer first.

If there are several individuals or companies responsible for a victim’s injuries, each one will be responsible for their portion of compensation based on their fault. If someone dies because of another’s carelessness, surviving family members may be able to bring a claim against the negligent party for the loss of their loved one. A parent, wife or husband, or natural children can file a claim. The claim can be filed on the basis of loss of financial support and the loss of companionship, guidance, and love.

Although an accident can cause emotional or physical pain for someone the rest of their life, they don’t have to suffer financially. The Garrison Law Firm has been successfully representing clients who have suffered injuries due to someone’s carelessness and obtaining the settlements they deserve. Feel free to contact them today about your case.

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