Losing track of how many drinks were consumed during happy hour and then getting behind the wheel was not the individual’s best moment. Things got even worse when the police pulled the car over and hauled the driver to jail. While there is no doubt the individual was driving under the influence, it still pays to hire a DWI Attorney in Timonium MD as quickly as possible. Here is what the attorney can do for the client.
Going Over the Details of the Arrest
One of the first things the DWI Attorney in Timonium MD will want to do is go over the details of the arrest. The goal is to make sure the rights of the client were not compromised at any point during the process. If everything is in order, the attorney will move on to preparing a defense.
Checking the History of the Client
To prepare a defense, the attorney will need to know more about the past driving record of the client. Is this the first time the client has been pulled over and arrested for driving while under the influence? Has the client had any type of minor traffic violations in the last few years? A client who has a clean driving record up to the time of making the unfortunate decision to drink and drive does have a better chance of obtaining some leniency from the court.
Helping the Client Know What to Expect
Since the client readily admits to having too much to drink before getting behind the wheel, and there is no evidence that the arresting officers failed to follow procedures, the attorney will inform the client that some type of punitive action will occur. Depending on the laws that apply, a first offense does provide the judge with the option of passing the most lenient sentence possible. In the best case scenario, this could include parole and the necessity of attending classes. As the attorney will point out, complying with the decision of the judge is the most prudent thing to do.
Don’t go it alone after being arrested for driving under the influence. Meet with Maria Caruso and find out more about that options are available. With legal counsel on hand, it will be possible to hope for the best possible outcome.